UMass continues build towards New England’s

by Sean Richardson

The Aggies traveled to Worcester Saturday to take on WPI, BC, and Coast Guard at the McGee Cup. Boston College won the cup after sweeping all four events.

Conditions were rather harsh, with a constant cross head wind and strong gusts that varied between each race. 

Starting off the day was the V8 who led the field early until a boat stopping crab soiled their race at the 1000 meter mark. The crew still managed to beat out Coast Guard for third place in a time of 6:34.6.

Shortly after, the second varsity eight placed fourth in a competitive field with a time of 6:35.68. 

The F8 raced in the third varsity eight category, while the 3V competed in the fourth varsity eight event. Each boat had strong races and earned second place, respectively, with times of 6:52.13 for the former, and a 6:48.17 mark for the latter.

Massachusetts, again will travel to Worcester this weekend to begin their championship season with the New England Regional Championships. Each boat will compete in the same events as this week. 

Racing will start in the morning with a time trial for the Freshman eight at 9:45. Following will be the 2V at 11:05 and the V8 at 11:53 in heats. The third varsity eight will compete in the grand final at 3:11 P.M.


Aggies start strong to their championship season


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